Someone Else's Life

Someone Else's Life - Katie Dale *Originally posted on Pages Of Forbidden LoveI’m not sure how to write this review without giving a million spoilers but I am going to try my best. I just I hope I can still give the book justice.Someone Else’s Life starts off after Rosie’s mother has already passed away because of Huntington’s disease. Rosie left school and lost her boyfriend to be her mother’s (Trudie) caregiver so she saw firsthand what the disease could do. It's not hard to guess that Rosie is in a bad place. It is hard enough losing your only parent but now Rosie also has to worry about having the disease too. She has a 50% chance of carrying the gene or does she? When Sarah, a family friend and Trudie’s midwife, sees how hard Rosie is struggling she knows it is time to come clean. Trudie wasn’t he biological mother. Now Rosie is adamant on finding her biological mother and she decides to use her ex to help her. Her need to find her birth mother unburies a lot more secrets and surprises making Rosie have to stop and wonder if any of it was a good idea.I loved this book from the beginning to end. Already being told right in the summary that Trudie isn’t her mother you would think reading it wouldn’t be a shocker but it was still crazy to read. This book was filled with so many twists and turns. Just when I thought Rosie couldn’t get into a more complicated situation she did. It was all very emotional too.I felt like I could really feel what Rosie was going through even though I have never been in a situation like hers. She went through a lot and even though she was about to give up a couples times she still ended up pulling through. I really liked her. She knew what she wanted and she did everything she could to get it even when she wasn’t being supported.Which brings me to Andy. Yes, there is some romance in this book :). There were times when I felt Andy could have been more supportive, even when he was a making some sense, but then he would make up for it so I went from being mad at him to loving him and back and forth again a couple times. Since you get to read a little about their past and then them in the present it made me really happy that they were getting a chance to figure things out. Let’s just say there breakup wasn’t so simple.I wish I could say so much more but then I would spoil everything and that’s not fair. I can say I think this was an amazing book. It was an emotional read that didn’t stop surprising me even up to the very end. I loved it and hope you can enjoy it as much as I did.